ICRISAT seeks to strengthen the value chains of its climate-smart crops (sorghum, finger and pearl millets, groundnut, chickpea and pigeonpea), to improve livelihoods of smallholder farmers through farming systems development, crop improvement and seed systems, integrated crop management, systems analysis and adoption, markets and impact.We work on how markets drive uptake processes and what policies hinder or support it.
- Contacts: Dr Andre van Rooyen, a.vanrooyen@cigar.org
- Dr Sabine Homann-Kee Tui, s.homann@cgiar.org
ILRI’s (www.ilri.org) strategic intention is to use livestock as a development tool, one that widens and sustains three major pathways out of poverty: (1) securing the assets of the poor, (2) improving smallholder productivity and (3) increasing market participation by the poor. The Feed and Forage Development Program aims to secure greater benefits from animal source-food production for producers and consumers by increasing the availability of improved feeds and forages, optimizing feeding strategies and reducing the cost of feed.
- Contacts: Dr Sikhalazo Dube, dube@cgiar.org
- Dr Michael Blummel, m.blummel@cgiar.org
- Dr Siboniso Moyo, s.moyo@cgiar.org
SSLLP (http://smallscalelivestock.org) is a local Research and Development Non-Governmental Organization. Its mission is to contribute to socioeconomic empowerment of resource-poor and vulnerable families so as to achieve sustainable livelihoods through integration of crops and livestock, water and sanitation, environmental and related interventions. Our portfolio covers agriculture and infrastructure development, climate change adaptation, women and youth empowerment, community nutrition, extension and advisory services.
- Contacts: Sute Mwakasungula, sslpp54@yahoo.com
- Kalima Sunday, kalimalwayosmc@hotmail.com
- Claire Mwamadi, claire@smallscalelivestock.com
Site contacts:
- Balaka district: Temwa Mvula, temwa@smallscalelivestock.org
- Chiradzulu district: Helpless Mbale, helplesswillie@smallscalelivestock.com
- Thyolo district: Ken Gunsalu, ken@smallscalelivestock.com